Free Logo Helper

Are you trying to make your own logo? Use our website to create it. We help solve any issues related to LogoWizard and can help you create logo. Try us now for LogoWizard.

Safety first!

You care about privacy. We care about privacy. That's why all the data sending to our server are deleted within 1 hour. Check out our privacy policy for more information.

Any operating system works

Our logo generation service works for all computers - the operating system you use doesn't matter. You can use our service even if you're using MacOS.

All in the cloud

Our servers in the cloud help you to make logo within minutes and you don't need to install anything on your computer. Isn't that great? This is a totally free online service.

Use our onine free logo helper software to help create a logo which fits your needs.

Our logos can be used by businesses, charities, organizations and it is 100% free. There are no limits/watermarks etc associated with our logos.

To begin using our logo maker software, please type in your business name/slogan in the text field. You can preview your logo to see how it looks like during the creation process.

Please note all logos which are created are deleted from our servers within 1 hour and your privacy is protected.

All logos are created automatically via a mix of different fonts/symbols and you can tweak your logo to your hearts content without having to wait for a designer.